Narrow Gate Youth Ranch Oct08

Narrow Gate Youth Ranch

In this short video for Narrow Gate Youth Ranch, Bill and Judy Edwards share their passion for the ministry that God has given them. Caring for hurting people with the help of rescued and restored horses is just the beginning...

Internet Security Dec11

Internet Security

Amanda offers some small tips for a safer browsing experience...

Rosé Nov21


While I’ve never been a big fan of the music video genre, I have done my fair share, mostly because of how often they are requested. This particular song is a favorite of mine. Rosé, by The Feeling. While the concept isn’t entirely unique, it is the first time I have done anything quite like it.

Praise Chapel Chicago – PSA Nov20

Praise Chapel Chicag...

This is a short thirty second advertisement for Praise Chapel Chicago.

Artist Nov11


When Amanda paints, it’s not so much about the product as it is the process. In this time of quiet adoration for her creator, she gently crafts her praises, her melodies of ink. This is her love song for her God.

The Bank Robbery Pro...

Some of the toughest projects to edit in ministry are the ones shot by non-professionals. The grainy footage, washed out color, and unintelligible audio is used in classrooms today to test the skill and ingenuity of the editor.

Praise Chapel Chicago Sep27

Praise Chapel Chicag...

This is a short promotional for Praise Chapel Chicago. It was played at a conference in Kansas City at the Praise Chapel located there.


Given only 60 seconds of tape, no ability to record on-set audio, rules stating that the camera cannot move, zoom or cut, I embarked on my creative endeavor.

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