

Amanda Koop is the most amazing woman I have ever met. She is gracious beyond her means and loving without condition. She is a wife, an artist, and a daughter of the Most High.

With this short film, I’d like to reveal a side of Amanda that normally isn’t visible. It’s true art, driven from a lifestyle of worship.

When Amanda paints, it’s not so much about the product as it is the process. In this time of quiet adoration for her creator, she gently crafts her praises, her melodies of ink. This is her love song for her God. Each stroke flows from passion deep within her soul, guided by her devotion.

These masterpieces of praise are not for an earthly audience. They are for God alone to enjoy. When the paint dries, it is often placed, tenderly, into a folder with countless others hidden from the world. I look on, wondering if when our Father gazes down he says, “Amanda, beloved, thank you. They are beautiful.” I can only dream, but I wouldn’t doubt that as she puts brush to canvas, God looks on with great joy, smiles and says, like so many earthly fathers, “That’s my daughter.”